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Instead of configuring run options as dstack run arguments or .dstack.yml parameters, you can defines those options in profiles.yml and reuse them across different run configurations. dstack supports repository-level profiles defined in $REPO_ROOT/.dstack/profiles.yml and global profiles defined in ~/.dstack/profiles.yml.

Profiles parameters are resolved with the following priority:

  1. dstack run arguments
  2. .dstack.yml parameters
  3. Repository-level profiles from $REPO_ROOT/.dstack/profiles.yml
  4. Global profiles from ~/.dstack/profiles.yml


  - name: large

    spot_policy: auto # (Optional) The spot policy. Supports `spot`, `on-demand, and `auto`.

    max_price: 1.5 # (Optional) The maximum price per instance per hour

    max_duration: 1d # (Optional) The maximum duration of the run.

      retry-duration: 3h # (Optional) To wait for capacity

    backends: [azure, lambda]  # (Optional) Use only listed backends 

    default: true # (Optional) Activate the profile by default

You can mark any profile as default or pass its name via --profile to dstack run.

Root reference

backends - (Optional) The backends to consider for provisionig (e.g., [aws, gcp]).

regions - (Optional) The regions to consider for provisionig (e.g., [eu-west-1, us-west4, westeurope]).

instance_types - (Optional) The cloud-specific instance types to consider for provisionig (e.g., [p3.8xlarge, n1-standard-4]).

spot_policy - (Optional) The policy for provisioning spot or on-demand instances: spot, on-demand, or auto.

retry_policy - (Optional) The policy for re-submitting the run.

max_duration - (Optional) The maximum duration of a run (e.g., 2h, 1d, etc). After it elapses, the run is forced to stop. Defaults to off.

max_price - (Optional) The maximum price per hour, in dollars.

pool_name - (Optional) The name of the pool. If not set, dstack will use the default name.

instance_name - (Optional) The name of the instance.

creation_policy - (Optional) The policy for using instances from the pool. Defaults to reuse-or-create.

termination_policy - (Optional) The policy for termination instances. Defaults to destroy-after-idle.

termination_idle_time - (Optional) Time to wait before destroying the idle instance. Defaults to 5m for dstack run and to 3d for dstack pool add.

name - The name of the profile that can be passed as --profile to dstack run.

default - (Optional) If set to true, dstack run will use this profile by default..


retry - (Optional) Whether to retry the run on failure or not.

duration - (Optional) The maximum period of retrying the run, e.g., 4h or 1d.