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dstack config

Both the CLI and API need to be configured with the server address, user token, and project name via ~/.dstack/config.yml.

At startup, the server automatically configures CLI and API with the server address, user token, and the default project name (main). This configuration is stored via ~/.dstack/config.yml.

To use CLI and API on different machines or projects, use the dstack config command.


$ dstack config --help
Usage: dstack config [-h] [--project PROJECT] [--url URL] [--token TOKEN] [-y]
                     [--remove] [-n]

  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit
  --project PROJECT  The name of the project to configure
  --url URL          Server url
  --token TOKEN      User token
  -y, --yes          Don't ask for confirmation (e.g. update the config)
  --remove           Delete project configuration
  -n, --no           Don't ask for confirmation (e.g. do not update the