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The task configuration type allows running tasks.

Root reference

nodes - (Optional) Number of nodes. Defaults to 1.
name - (Optional) The run name. If not specified, a random name is generated.
image - (Optional) The name of the Docker image to run.
user - (Optional) The user inside the container, user_name_or_id[:group_name_or_id] (e.g., ubuntu, 1000:1000). Defaults to the default image user.
privileged - (Optional) Run the container in privileged mode.
entrypoint - (Optional) The Docker entrypoint.
working_dir - (Optional) The path to the working directory inside the container. It's specified relative to the repository directory (/workflow) and should be inside it. Defaults to "." .
registry_auth - (Optional) Credentials for pulling a private Docker image.
python - (Optional) The major version of Python. Mutually exclusive with image.
nvcc - (Optional) Use image with NVIDIA CUDA Compiler (NVCC) included. Mutually exclusive with image.
single_branch - (Optional) Whether to clone and track only the current branch or all remote branches. Relevant only when using remote Git repos. Defaults to false for dev environments and to true for tasks and services.
env - (Optional) The mapping or the list of environment variables.
resources - (Optional) The resources requirements to run the configuration.
volumes - (Optional) The volumes mount points.
ports - (Optional) Port numbers/mapping to expose.
commands - (Optional) The bash commands to run.
backends - (Optional) The backends to consider for provisioning (e.g., [aws, gcp]).
regions - (Optional) The regions to consider for provisioning (e.g., [eu-west-1, us-west4, westeurope]).
availability_zones - (Optional) The availability zones to consider for provisioning (e.g., [eu-west-1a, us-west4-a]).
instance_types - (Optional) The cloud-specific instance types to consider for provisioning (e.g., [p3.8xlarge, n1-standard-4]).
reservation - (Optional) The existing reservation to use for instance provisioning. Supports AWS Capacity Reservations and Capacity Blocks.
spot_policy - (Optional) The policy for provisioning spot or on-demand instances: spot, on-demand, or auto. Defaults to on-demand.
retry - (Optional) The policy for resubmitting the run. Defaults to false.
max_duration - (Optional) The maximum duration of a run (e.g., 2h, 1d, etc). After it elapses, the run is automatically stopped. Use off for unlimited duration. Defaults to off.
stop_duration - (Optional) The maximum duration of a run graceful stopping. After it elapses, the run is automatically forced stopped. This includes force detaching volumes used by the run. Use off for unlimited duration. Defaults to 5m.
max_price - (Optional) The maximum instance price per hour, in dollars.
creation_policy - (Optional) The policy for using instances from the pool. Defaults to reuse-or-create.
idle_duration - (Optional) Time to wait before terminating idle instances. Defaults to 5m for runs and 3d for fleets. Use off for unlimited duration.
termination_policy - (Optional) Deprecated in favor of idle_duration.
termination_idle_time - (Optional) Deprecated in favor of idle_duration.


on_events - The list of events that should be handled with retry. Supported events are no-capacity, interruption, and error.
duration - (Optional) The maximum period of retrying the run, e.g., 4h or 1d.


cpu - (Optional) The number of CPU cores. Defaults to 2...
memory - (Optional) The RAM size (e.g., 8GB). Defaults to 8GB...
shm_size - (Optional) The size of shared memory (e.g., 8GB). If you are using parallel communicating processes (e.g., dataloaders in PyTorch), you may need to configure this.
gpu - (Optional) The GPU requirements. Can be set to a number, a string (e.g. A100, 80GB:2, etc.), or an object.
disk - (Optional) The disk resources.


vendor - (Optional) The vendor of the GPU/accelerator, one of: nvidia, amd, google (alias: tpu), intel.
name - (Optional) The GPU name or list of names.
count - (Optional) The number of GPUs. Defaults to 1.
memory - (Optional) The RAM size (e.g., 16GB). Can be set to a range (e.g. 16GB.., or 16GB..80GB).
total_memory - (Optional) The total RAM size (e.g., 32GB). Can be set to a range (e.g. 16GB.., or 16GB..80GB).
compute_capability - (Optional) The minimum compute capability of the GPU (e.g., 7.5).


size - The disk size. Can be set to a range (e.g., 100GB.. or 100GB..200GB).


username - The username.
password - The password or access token.


name - The network volume name or the list of network volume names to mount. If a list is specified, one of the volumes in the list will be mounted. Specify volumes from different backends/regions to increase availability..
path - The absolute container path to mount the volume at.
instance_path - The absolute path on the instance (host).
path - The absolute path in the container.
optional - (Optional) Allow running without this volume in backends that do not support instance volumes.
Short syntax

The short syntax for volumes is a colon-separated string in the form of source:destination

  • volume-name:/container/path for network volumes
  • /instance/path:/container/path for instance volumes