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dstack apply

This command applies a given configuration. If a resource does not exist, dstack apply creates the resource. If a resource exists, dstack apply updates the resource in-place or re-creates the resource if the update is not possible.

When applying run configurations, dstack apply requires that you run dstack init first, or specify a repo to work with via -P (or --repo), or specify --no-repo if you don't need any repo for the run.


$ dstack apply --help
Usage: dstack apply [--project NAME] [-h [TYPE]] [-f FILE] [-y] [--force] [-d]
                    [-P REPO] [--repo-branch REPO_BRANCH]
                    [--repo-hash REPO_HASH] [--no-repo] [-t OAUTH_TOKEN]
                    [--git-identity SSH_PRIVATE_KEY]
                    [--ssh-identity SSH_PRIVATE_KEY] [--local]

  --project NAME        The name of the project. Defaults to $DSTACK_PROJECT
  -h, --help [TYPE]     Show this help message and exit.
  -f, --file FILE       The path to the configuration file. Defaults to
  -y, --yes             Do not ask for confirmation
  --force               Force apply when no changes detected
  -d, --detach          Exit immediately after submitting configuration

Repo Options:
  -P, --repo REPO       The repo to use for the run. Can be a local path or a
                        Git repo URL.
  --repo-branch REPO_BRANCH
                        The repo branch to use for the run
  --repo-hash REPO_HASH
                        The hash of the repo commit to use for the run
  --no-repo             Do not use any repo for the run
  -t, --token OAUTH_TOKEN
                        An authentication token to access a private Git repo
  --git-identity SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
                        The private SSH key path to access a private Git repo
  --ssh-identity SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
                        The private SSH key path for SSH tunneling
  --local               Do not use Git

Type `dstack apply -h CONFIGURATION_TYPE` to see configuration-specific options.