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This example shows how to deploy Llama 3.1 8B with dstack using vLLM .


Once dstack is installed, go ahead clone the repo, and run dstack init.

$ git clone
$ cd dstack
$ dstack init


Here's an example of a service that deploys Llama 3.1 8B using vLLM.

type: service
name: llama31

python: "3.11"
  - MODEL_ID=meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
  - MAX_MODEL_LEN=4096
  - pip install vllm
  - vllm serve $MODEL_ID
    --max-model-len $MAX_MODEL_LEN
    --tensor-parallel-size $DSTACK_GPUS_NUM
port: 8000
# Register the model
model: meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct

# Uncomment to leverage spot instances
#spot_policy: auto

# Uncomment to cache downloaded models
#  - /root/.cache/huggingface/hub:/root/.cache/huggingface/hub

  gpu: 24GB
  # Uncomment if using multiple GPUs
  #shm_size: 24GB

Running a configuration

To run a configuration, use the dstack apply command.

$ dstack apply -f examples/deployment/vllm/.dstack.yml

 #  BACKEND  REGION    RESOURCES                    SPOT  PRICE     
 1  runpod   CA-MTL-1  18xCPU, 100GB, A5000:24GB    yes   $0.12
 2  runpod   EU-SE-1   18xCPU, 100GB, A5000:24GB    yes   $0.12
 3  gcp      us-west4  27xCPU, 150GB, A5000:24GB:2  yes   $0.23

Submit a new run? [y/n]: y

---> 100%

If no gateway is created, the model will be available via the OpenAI-compatible endpoint at <dstack server URL>/proxy/models/<project name>/.

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer &lt;dstack token&gt;' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
      "model": "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct",
      "messages": [
          "role": "system",
          "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
          "role": "user",
          "content": "What is Deep Learning?"
      "max_tokens": 128

When a gateway is configured, the OpenAI-compatible endpoint is available at https://gateway.<gateway domain>/.

Source code

The source-code of this example can be found in examples/deployment/vllm .

What's next?

  1. Check services
  2. Browse the Llama 3.1, TGI and NIM examples
  3. See also AMD and TPU